- Alex Ross - Listen to This - Cena: 5 €
- Alex Ross - The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century - Cena: 15 €
- How Music Works: A listener's guide to harmony, keys, broken chords, perfect pitch and the secrets of a good tune - Cena: 10 €
- Oliver Sacks - Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain - Cena: 8 €
- The Everything® Piano Book with CD - Cena: 10 €
- Music Theory For Dummies: with Audio CD Cena: 8 €
- Guitar All-in-One For Dummies - Cena: 10 €
- Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music - Cena: 20 €
- Umění filmu - David Bordwell, Kristin Thompsonová - Cena: 40 € (pôvodná cena: 52,33 €)
- Režie je umění - Jaroslav Vostrý - Cena: 10 € (pôvodná cena: 16,52 €)
- Úvod do dokumentárního filmu - Bill Nichols - Cena: 15 € (pôvodná cena:17,75 €)
- Jak číst film - Svět filmu, médií a multimédií - Cena: 15 € (pôvodná cena: 19,88 €)
- The Filmmaker's Eye: Learning (and Breaking) the Rules of Cinematic Composition - Cena: 14 €
- Film Editing: Great Cuts Every Filmmaker and Movie Lover Must Know - Cena: 15 €
- Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know - Cena: 15 €
- The Film Director's Intuition: Script Analysis and Rehearsal Techniques - Cena: 10 €
- F Is For Phony: Fake Documentary And Truth'S Undoing - Cena: 10 €
- Directing the Documentary - Cena: 20 €
- Documentary Storytelling: Creative Nonfiction on Screen - Cena: 15 €